Sunday, August 9, 2009

Shall We Keep Silent?

I read an article today about my hometown Wisconsin Badgers and the author was bragging about an impressive young defensive back on the team who he believes should have an outstanding year. Among his impressions, the author cited the young man as having a strong faith in Christianity without forcing it down the throats of others. As a Christian I resonate with this statement as there have been too many who have opened their mouths in the name of Jesus in megaphone fashion whom should have remained silent. However, I read into this statement a little differently.

What the world is telling us today is if you want to impress others around you, it's OK to have faith, but please keep it to yourself. Other religions, that's great, but please silence yourself about Jesus. This is the problem I have with this statement: The Bible claims that Jesus is the only way to Heaven and the only way to true life. Jesus claims, "No one comes to the Father but by me." As someone who feels I have been radically transformed by the Gospel and believe it be true, how dare I keep silent? If I had the cure for cancer and kept it to myself the world would say I was selfish and demand I be locked up. But what I have received cures more than cancer, it cures sin and the punishment of sin, which is death. How dare I keep silent.

So when the world around me tells me to be a good Christian and keep silent I have but two answers. One, if I truly love God how can I not speak of Him? In comparison, how could a young groom help but speak of his new bride? How could a new father not speak of his new child? How could a Christian not speak about their Redeemer and Savior? And two, if I truly love my neighbor, how could I not share my most precious relationship with them? How dare I keep silent!

"That is why I am so eager to preach the gospel also to you. I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes."--Romans 1:15-16

Shall we keep silent?


  1. Good word Case.

    I think of how 'the Word of the Lord came to Jeremiah" [Jer 18:1, 32:1, 33:1, 33:23, 34:12, etc] and it is interesting that in Jeremiah, the Prophet, over and over similar phrases are repeated, "The Word which came to Jeremiah from the LORD" [Jer 30:1, 34:1, etc] and "the Word of the LORD came to me" [Jer 1:4, 2:1, etc]. Jeremiah certainly got an ear full from the Lord and it is interesting that he wrote "But if I say, "I will not mention him or speak any more in his name," his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot" - Jeremiah 20:29.
    I think the LORD wants us to speak up, certainly in both the OT/NT it warns us to give careful consideration to our words. I was meditating on Ephesians 4 about what grieves the Holy Spirit - one thing is our mouths - because they fail to edify others. I found it interesting that Paul told the Ephesians that "Let no unwholesome WORD proceed from your mouth" [Eph 4:29]. I like the emphasis on WORD vs WORD[S], it shows we are to take our words with careful attention. James of course warns us to be 'slow to speak, and quick to listen' [James 1:19].
    "May the WORDS of our mouths and the meditation of our hearts be pleasing in his sight" - Psalm 19:14


  2. Good thoughts Paul. Love your insight. Where's your blog ; )
